Friday, May 29, 2015


On my tracks here I go,
look at me, no one stops me,
I run, I rail, I flow, I go.

The tracks run hard and deep,
something in me resonates a thousand blinks.
Something shouldn't be so strong and hard,
it envelopes me and shudders my very core of being lively.

I am strong, I think,
I can resist, I think,
Yet my heart does a double beat,
skips a third, and does a double-back flip.

My shoulders shudder hard,
my back unhinges,
the crease that usually furrows is lost.
I secretly can't stop smiling, I shouldn't get lost.

I am unhinged, as hard and as strong a train on a railroad, 
falling of the bridge, to the tracks of nowhere lead.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Tough Luck for Lil' Ol' Me

Deep does mind  go, 
reflecting on what I was told.
Once I hear, I always keep,
all those words once thrown to me.

It could be good, it could be bad,
if I cared about you, then I'd listen,
if it meant something, then I'd fix it.

Intentions of your heart matter not to me, 
I do with my thoughts, whatever I please.
My thoughts are my own, my body is everything that makes me be.
My skin holds me in, but my feelings over flow, from the tips of my toes,
to the locks of my hair, down to my very big butt below.

Reactions, distractions, forget that I'm here,
I am my own woman, I firmly believe that, 
although I found my other half, I am completely me.
My heart is my soul, and my mind is my voice. 
I love myself, all that is, and whatever goes through me.