Saturday, January 31, 2015

Path Please

I don't follow the road of my path,
I jump and dodge, and hold on for my right,
the funny thing about flight, is it's easy to jump off anytime.
Walk, run, skip, and hop, forget it, you know what? I think I'll stop.
I've ran before I started to walk, now hold on tight! Lean on light.

I forgot how it is, to be mean and cruel,
Something I wish I never used as a tool.
Being how I am is different you see,
I love to laugh and giggle, be silly.
I'm honest and free,
I don't judge, I don't sneer,
I don't let negativity break me, nor break my vibe,
all you gotta do is breathe and take a while.

Give in, get lost,
hold someone tight,
no arms, but eyes,
no flesh, but love.
Open and receive.

Yes Please.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Clean and Cook, Smile and laugh
Create and learn, Follow and sieze.
Sides or ups, flows or dams, 
give and plate, forget a mistake.
Fly high, swim deep,
forget the winds.
See no height,
touch no fall,
fleeting brows,
eyes alight,
crinkling smile, 
look up alive!
Wrinkle of nose,
fight the flight,
run the wave,
forget the path,
there is no stone!
Light at night,
dark at day,
life is lived,
throughout a Knife. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015


All in all, is all I am.
It is what it is.
No way to fight, no way to break free,
this unrelenting struggle of aiming to please.
Delight in this forever stumble, clumsily holding onto a tree.
Climbing high, climbing fast, the diversity of inside me.
A child, a daughter, a girlfriend, a worker, a friend, a confidante, nowhere to go but up or down, side to side, I can't abide. 
Drenched in this time of labels, purity and honesty may be the only key.
No way to hold on, no way to let go, this might be the only way to pour out my soul.
Soul clap may be the judgement in which my destiny let's me roam free.
Soul path is the only causeway of the internal battle of who I am and who I hope to be.
Give humans a reason, give time a place, and give everyone a soul clap either way.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Orbs Apart

No need to be,
No need to do.

I am me, you are you.
My thoughts are not yours,
your thoughts are not mine,

We share this marvelous and yet insignificant ever changing and yet chasing these ideas of random constellations and natural orders of techniques.

Society of orbs apart.

Forever receding and inflating,
forever decreasing with additions.
Addictions, temptations, diversity of extremity and fancy.
Physical, mental, spiritual, soulful, flesh.

You and I roam free, in this never-ending schmaltzy dance of dips and turns.
It's the following through is just beyond me.